"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
Albert Einstein

Monday, April 5, 2010

Final Reflections

Where to begin…the last eight weeks has been quite a journey. I have moved from someone who could only search Google, check email and make power points to a savvy techno instructor making her own blogs, wikis, you tube videos, podcasts, photo sharing and using jing. It is mind-boggling and at times almost overwhelming. This technology is amazing in itself as far as how fast and easy it is to use once you learn it. Even more, this was my first on-line course, and I can say I really did learn a lot even though my instructor was not in the room. That was an important concept for me to understand.

I can now see how to incorporate this web technology into my on-line and face to face courses. I will have a wiki for students to add research information to in my Complementary and Alternative Health Therapies course. I can clarify and answer questions using podcasts and jing. I will definitely be designing and producing more of my own you tube videos for my online nutrition course. I am excited to continue using this information and sharing it with my students and fellow colleagues. I plan to teach for twenty more years, and will continue my life long learning of technology. It is embedded in the future of education. Now, I am ready to begin.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Marie!
    Congratulations on your technology stepping off point!
    Fantastic game plan to teach for 20 more years!
    Lucky students!! Your classes are going to be amazing~
    Enjoy the process~
